Here at Priest Dental in Ashland, our doctors recognize that many people experience anxiety about undergoing dental work or visiting the dentist at all. This is more commonly known as dental phobia. It can keep someone from seeking dental care, and may compromise their dental health. Dental phobia can be helped by sedation dentistry.
What is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to provide a relaxing and anxiety-free experience for people undergoing dental treatment. Although sometimes referred to as “sleep dentistry,” this is not “being put to sleep”.
What is Conscious Sedation?
We offer conscious sedation and patients often feel like they are asleep but are still able to follow instructions. Most patients remain awake but feel drowsy or sleepy. Very often, the patient does not remember anything except when the IV was started. This is because the medications we use can cause memory loss of the entire dental procedure.

There are several different methods available to achieve varying degrees of sedation. Which method is used depends on the type of procedure and the preference of the patient.

Does Sedation Dentistry require anesthesia?
Although sedation produces a relaxed state, it does not eliminate the need for local anesthesia (often referred to as novocaine or lidocaine), which is used for most dental procedures. A patient will still require an injection of local anesthesia to ensure pain is not experienced. Sedation simply helps relieve the nervousness and anxiety that often accompany a visit to the dentist. A patient is usually sedated prior to getting anesthesia to reduce any anxiety about the injection or procedure. We currently offer IV and oral sedation here at Priest Dental.
Benefits of Sedation Dentistry in Ashland
Sedation allows people to feel comfortable about undergoing complex and lengthy procedures. When under sedation, a lengthy procedure may only feel like it has lasted a few minutes. Another benefit of sedation dentistry is that extensive treatment can be performed in only one or two appointments. Sedation dentistry may benefit those who:
- Have a low pain threshold
- Have sensitive teeth
- Cannot sit still in the dentist’s chair
- Gag easily
- Need a large amount of dental work done

Schedule A Consultation Today!
To learn more about our Sedation Dentistry options, please contact us at 419.289.1813. Priest Dental, Inc. is proud to serve Akron, Ashland, and the surrounding areas of Ohio.